Thursday, February 5, 2009

25 random things about me

  1. Someday I will drive stick-shift
  2. I used to sew anything from aprons to doll clothes on my sewing machine
  3. I love chocolate. And cheesecake.
  4. I almost died from an appendix rupture-they told me it was the flu
  5. Someday I will own a horse(s)
  6. I hope to go skydiving some day
  7. I've never flown in a plane
  8. I hate math and science, love reading and writing
  9. I randomly begin writing poetry when I don't know what to write for a school assignment
  10. I use the same purse until it wears out and/or breaks. I can't stand getting used to a new purse, so never switch till I really have to.
  11. I've never been hospitalized in my life except for two months ago with my appendix
  12. I had two extra wisdom teeth-six total-so I had to have surgery to get them out
  13. I've never broken a bone
  14. I have a really cool apple tree in the backyard I still climb
  15. I can't stand the smell of fish-I detest working during Lent season
  16. I have half a dozen brothers, five younger than me. And they know karate. Take that.
  17. Coffee has one of three effects on me: it doesn't do anything, it makes me hyper, or I fall asleep.
  18. I always order the same dish when I eat Chinese-Sesame Chicken
  19. I look for cool shapes in the clouds
  20. I have no relatives living closer than 3 hours away
  21. My hair refuses to cooperate. When I want it straight, it curls, and when I want it curly, it poofs.
  22. I love road trips
  23. I am exactly 4 1/2 years minus two hours older than my sister
  24. I love Aussie, British, Scottish, and Irish accents
  25. I love God and the Bible more than anything else.


Andrew Clarke said...

Hi, I'm contacting you from Australia. If you like Aussie accents it's a pity we can't talk in person. I too am a Christian. My blog is if you feel like reading some posts. If you like reading and enjoy Christian fiction, may I tell you about the one I wrote? "Outcasts Of Skagaray" can be sampled if you go to and read the chapters there. If you decide to read it and enjoy the story I will be delighted. Whatever happens, I greet you in the Lord Jesus.

Heather Prosch said...

thanks for commenting Andrew. I will visit the site and check out your book. That's neat you like to write. I love it! but for now its just writing for school. some day I'll write a book when I have time. :-)