Monday, November 9, 2009


Oh, for the days when I could jump on and blog for hours on end, when I could write lovely stories and make sure every word was correct, and peacefully write with no worries in mind. Yes, those were the days. However, it has come to my attention lately that my blogging has come to a definite standstill. It most definitely will remain this way until Christmas break. Such is the life for a college student who enrolls in 3 colleges all in the same semester to take all the classes she needs to in order to finish on time. And no, I would not recommend it.
I must turn my undivided attention once again to my homework, which I think must be like a lover: it is always around me, rarely leaves, keeps me up at night..., demands my attention 24/7, and I even bring it with me everywhere I go. Somehow, I don't have the same feelings for it that it must have for me. Ah, yes. What was that? I'm wanted again? I must go, my friends. Farewell. :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

enter to win!

Write a post to this article and be entered to win a free book!

School in bed anybody?

Pajama School – stories from the life of a homeschool graduate

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thank God for Pain

Thank God for pain. Thank God that my muscles ache and my joints groan when I move. Thank God I have feeling in my body. A day may come down the road when I long to feel pain, feel something, anything. Someday I may be lying in a bed, unable to move, unable to feel, unable to speak.

Thank God that I can move my lips to praise Him. Thank God that I can lift my arms to dance for Him. Thank God that I can see His creation and hear the songs in the wind. Thank God I suffer the trials of living on this earth. Thank God that it will not be like this forever.

Someday we will be transformed. Someday, yes, someday SOON those who have accepted Jesus into their hearts will go to heaven and be like Him. We will know the truth for what it is. All the questions we ever had will be answered, once and for all. And we will praise God.

In the midst of trials, in the times that tears run down our faces and we beg for answers that never come, we can find comfort. As we seek to cover our heartache and grief with artificial smiles, God still sees our pain. In our sorrow, He comforts us. And He blesses us on this earth by giving us trials. With heartaches, we grow closer to Him. With physical aches, we grow our bodies into deeper submission, growing stronger.

And so today, as my muscles ache and my physical body cries out because of the demands I place on it, I thank God for pain. I thank God I can walk, and I thank Him for the pain I feel. If I could not feel pain, something would be wrong. If my body never hurt, never ached, never became tired and sore, something would be very wrong. Thank God for pain.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

25 random things about me

  1. Someday I will drive stick-shift
  2. I used to sew anything from aprons to doll clothes on my sewing machine
  3. I love chocolate. And cheesecake.
  4. I almost died from an appendix rupture-they told me it was the flu
  5. Someday I will own a horse(s)
  6. I hope to go skydiving some day
  7. I've never flown in a plane
  8. I hate math and science, love reading and writing
  9. I randomly begin writing poetry when I don't know what to write for a school assignment
  10. I use the same purse until it wears out and/or breaks. I can't stand getting used to a new purse, so never switch till I really have to.
  11. I've never been hospitalized in my life except for two months ago with my appendix
  12. I had two extra wisdom teeth-six total-so I had to have surgery to get them out
  13. I've never broken a bone
  14. I have a really cool apple tree in the backyard I still climb
  15. I can't stand the smell of fish-I detest working during Lent season
  16. I have half a dozen brothers, five younger than me. And they know karate. Take that.
  17. Coffee has one of three effects on me: it doesn't do anything, it makes me hyper, or I fall asleep.
  18. I always order the same dish when I eat Chinese-Sesame Chicken
  19. I look for cool shapes in the clouds
  20. I have no relatives living closer than 3 hours away
  21. My hair refuses to cooperate. When I want it straight, it curls, and when I want it curly, it poofs.
  22. I love road trips
  23. I am exactly 4 1/2 years minus two hours older than my sister
  24. I love Aussie, British, Scottish, and Irish accents
  25. I love God and the Bible more than anything else.

Frozen waterfall at Apple Canyon Lake

Church Hoedown last fall

Monday, January 19, 2009

Saved By Grace Alone

Saved by Grace Alone

I cannot face the morning tides
And I run my way to the other side
Weeping, praying, ever longing
For an answer I am calling

Can there ever live truth again?
Can love reach to the farthest one?
Does trembling fear, mourning all
Turn against the weaker son?

My heart! My love, my life, my all
Cruelly cast to dogs of slaves
Hanging off the court side wall
I cannot see true light again

My eyes blinded by lies therein
I give all to grief and pain
Mercy, kind mercy! Touch my brow but once
Let me hear the savior’s name

Cleanse me with the balm you hold
Wash me new with heavens light
Lift me up with wings of dawn
Let me dance in Jesus’ might.

Victory! All dies not the end
Merely, I believed the lies of men
But truth still speaks all clearly
Through God’s own mouth the promises He penned.