Monday, November 3, 2008

the evil of two lessers

I encourage everyone who is voting tomorrow to look at this simple voter guide that Vision Forum created. What everything eventually boils down to is: are these candidates supporting life or supporting the convenience of getting rid of a "mistake"? are they supporting the fundamentals of preserving God-given life, or not?
So many fellow Christians are on the bandwagon of voting for the lesser of two evils. We need to look at the facts, check out the data, and acknowledge the political history everyone running for office has. Does what they're saying now support what they voted for in the past? Do they show evidence of practicing what they preach? Consider this: We have had a "pro-life" president in the White House for eight years. Abortion is still legal. For six of those eight years, the supreme court was "pro-life" republican-dominated. Life is still being terminated legally. Babies never see light of day because of a few elected official's un-kept promises. Please, don't let the media tell you how to vote. Don't vote out of fear. Vote because you are a Christian, don't vote because you are a Democrat or Republican.
Whoever becomes elected, we as Christians have a huge responsibility. I don't think God punishes countries because of what evil people are doing. They don't know they are doing evil in some cases. Instead, God punishes countries because of the Christians who do nothing. Will you do something?

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